Missions Conference: Tuesday Morning Part 3

Missions Conference: Tuesday Morning Part 3

Tuesday Morning, March 5, 2019 hlandtv on YouTube

SFTH 805 “Trust in the Lord” Part 1

SFTH 805 “Trust in the Lord” Part 1

Originally Aired 11-11-2018

We only have a few more weeks of shows left. But we don’t want you to miss out on great teachings and messages. So we’ve plugged in our live stream to our website at hland.tv, on YouTube, Facebook, and Roku. The show is closing down but we’re still here as a church and we’re still reaching others about Jesus. So connect with us online so we can stay in touch.

Trust is not an easy thing for us as humans. Pastor Kris said the definition in Hebrew is to lie helpless facedown. It means we’re vulnerable and open. But that’s exactly what God wants from us to not rely on our own strength and understanding.

I want to tell you about my favorite way to watch our services. I love using YouTube. You can find our channel by searching for hlandtv and if you subscribe our videos will magically appear in your video feed. Also insider tip here you can get our best quality stream on YouTube.

Thank you guys so much for watching with us all these years. It’s sad to be shutting down the show, but we’ll be taking the time to work on other ministry videos so follow us through our online platforms if you want to be apart of that.

SFTH 805 “Trust In The Lord” Part 1 from hlandtv on Vimeo

City on a Hill: Pastor Kris Palmer

City on a Hill: Pastor Kris Palmer

Sunday Evening, November 4, 2018 hlandtv on YouTube

SFTH 805 “Trust in the Lord” Part 1

SFTH 804 “Back On Duty” Part 2

Originally Aired 11-04-2018

Ok so sad news guys, We will no longer be broadcasting on TV starting in January 2019. But here’s the good news, we’re still having services and you can still enjoying watching them. Just connect with us on Facebook at Heartland Community Church, or on YouTube just look up hlandtv and subscribe, or go to our website at hland.tv, and here’s our newest offering, on your Roku search for hlandtv and download our Churches channel.
Thank you so much for tuning in with us every week. Be sure to follow us on Social Media so we can stay in touch!

There’s a calling of God on his Children. And it can be weird changing our lives and attitudes to fit His calling. Sometimes we’re afraid of people thinking we’re fake or just trying to look spiritual. But God isn’t concerned about that, He wants us to step into His plan for our lives. And though it’s uncomfortable, it’s right and it’s worth it. And God will be there the whole way to help you. So trust in Him and follow Him. You won’t regret it.

If you like to know what’s going on with our Church follow us on Facebook at Heartland Community Church. We’ve got a brand new church building going up and it’s amazing! To see pictures of the construction just give us a like on Facebook and you’ll see those as we continue to move along with the building process.

Be sure to come back next week for Pastor Kris’s message on “Trust in the Lord”.

SFTH 804 “Back On Duty” Part 2 from hlandtv on Vimeo

SFTH 805 “Trust in the Lord” Part 1

SFTH 803 “Back On Duty” Part 1

Originally Aired 10-28-2018

We will no longer be broadcasting on TV starting in January 2019. With this in mind we have been building up our online presence, because we’re still here ministering to others about Jesus. You can connect with us via Facebook, YouTube, or our website. Our latest addition is a Roku channel. From your Roku search for hlandtv and you should find us. From there you can watch past services and live events. Thank you so much for tuning in with us every week. Be sure to follow us on Social Media so we can stay in touch!

There is a responsibility that we carry as God’s children. We have to stay alert to the issues that press us and those in our care. And we can’t forget that Jesus Christ himself has commissioned us to preach the gospel. We have a greater obligation than just come to Church. God has work for us to do. And if we don’t do it then who will?

Thanks for tuning in with us. Again we’d like to remind you that Straight From The Heart will be going off air in January 2019. So jump on Facebook and give us a like at Heartland Community Church. Or pull open YouTube and subscribe to our channel at hlandtv. We don’t want to lose touch with you.

We’ll see you back here next week for part 2 of “Back on Duty”

SFTH 803 “Back On Duty” Part 1 from hlandtv on Vimeo

SFTH 805 “Trust in the Lord” Part 1

SFTH 802 “Citizens of Heaven” Part 2

Originally Aired 10-21-2018

We are to live our lives as Christians as Citizens of Heaven. That looks like living life together here on this earth for God, it means loving each other and looking out for each other. Taking care of each others needs. Change is coming when Jesus comes back, but it starts right now not in the future.
Thank you so much for tuning in with us every week. God Bless!

SFTH 801 “Citizens Of Heaven” Part 1 from hlandtv on Vimeo