SFTH 801 “Citizens Of Heaven” Part 1

SFTH 801 “Citizens Of Heaven” Part 1

Originally Aired 10-14-2018

Sometimes as Christians we are guilty of just holding on, trying to make it to the end. Thinking in the end we get to escape. But God has called us to live life here on this earth and represent His Kingdom. He wants us to change culture and influence the world that we live in.

Thanks so much for joining us! We are expanding our online presence. You can follow us on Facebook look up Heartland Community Church, or subscribe to us on YouTube, search for hlandtv, we just released a great documentary on our missions work in the Philippines. It’s kind of a reflection on relationships in the church locally and internationally. And as always you can go to our website at hland.tv.

SFTH 801 “Citizens Of Heaven” Part 1 from hlandtv on Vimeo

SFTH 801 “Citizens Of Heaven” Part 1

SFTH 800 “Fear Vs Faith” Part 2

Originally Aired 10-07-2018

Faith opens up opportunities that fear closes. Logically sometimes the path of faith doesn’t make sense and sometimes we are even required to sacrifice. That’s when it starts to get tough. I liked Nathan’s question at the end though, “Are you going to have Faith in God or Faith in yourself.”

That statement puts this is in a whole other perspective doesn’t it. We left the altar call on the end of this message because, even though you might be at your home, you can still answer this. Take a few minutes and ask yourself right now, is your faith in God? Or are you making decisions based off what you think is right? I’d encourage you to seek God’s voice and to live a life of faith.

Thanks again for joining us we’ll see you back here next week. Until then though check out our Facebook, give us a like so you can stay up to date with us. Or if you are craving some more messages or maybe a sermon you heard on here a while ago check out our website at hland.tv.

SFTH 800 “Fear Vs Faith” Part 2 from hlandtv on Vimeo

SFTH 801 “Citizens Of Heaven” Part 1

SFTH 799 “Fear Vs Faith” Part 1

Originally Aired 09-30-2018

Faith is not something we can earn. It’s something you live out. Faith is built on the Word of God and it’s strengthened when it’s weak in our worship to God. Nathan has lots more to say on Faith coming up next week on the second half of his message “Fear Vs Faith”.

If you’re looking for lots of great messages drop by our website at hland.tv or look us up on Youtube at hlandtv. We have lots excellent teachings from our Sunday Schools and Wednesday nights, so check it out if you’re wanting to grow deeper in your faith.

SFTH 799 “Fear Vs Faith” Part 1 from hlandtv on Vimeo

SFTH 801 “Citizens Of Heaven” Part 1

SFTH 798 “We Are Us” Part 2

Originally Aired 09-23-2018

We have a growing community on Facebook and we’d love for you to connect with us. Just look us up at Heartland Community Church. If you’re looking for older messages or sermons go to our website at hland.tv and you can find those there.

Disunity is a church killer, and it starts out with people wanting things to go their way or get stuff for themselves. When this happens they are harming the church instead of helping it grow into what God has called it to be. We fix this by looking at our hearts and our motivations and make the change in ourselves first.
Thanks for joining us. We’d encourage you to connect with us on Facebook or check out website at hland.tv for past episodes and current sermon series. We’ll see you back here next week!

SFTH 798 “We Are Us” Part 2 from hlandtv on Vimeo

SFTH 801 “Citizens Of Heaven” Part 1

SFTH 797 “We Are Us” Part 1

Originally Aired 09-16-2018

If you are a long time viewer of the show and you haven’t checked out our Facebook page. We’d encourage you look up Heartland Community Church. We have a report from our Tanzania trip up. And here soon have a Philippines Missions report where we are working with hundreds of local pastors. We just have too much to share on this show so find us on Facebook and don’t miss out.

God has called us, His Church, to stand in unity with each other. In the house of God there is no they and them. It’s not one group of people versus another group of people, but instead it’s a church, together, going to where God has called them.

Maybe you’ve got something going on in your church. Remember the big picture and put your problem against that. If it’s not stopping you from getting there, then maybe you need to let it go. Remember last week’s lesson live humbly and work together towards the goal.

Thanks for joining us. We’d encourage you to connect with us on Facebook or check out website at hland.tv for past episodes and current sermon series. We’ll see you back here next week for part 2 or “We are Us”

SFTH 796 “Godly Authority” Part 2 from hlandtv on Vimeo

SFTH 801 “Citizens Of Heaven” Part 1

SFTH 796 “Godly Authority” Part 2

Originally Aired 09-09-2018

It’s a common misconception that our authorities are perfect, they aren’t. We are all human and we all make mistakes. But we need to remember that the authority over us was put there by God. Our lives would be so much easier. We have to learn to submit and walk humbly. God will give us authority once we’ve truly learned this lesson.

Next week Pastor Kris is bringing us a message called “We are Us” so be sure to come back.

SFTH 796 “Godly Authority” Part 2 from hlandtv on Vimeo