Originally Aired 09-23-2018

We have a growing community on Facebook and we’d love for you to connect with us. Just look us up at Heartland Community Church. If you’re looking for older messages or sermons go to our website at hland.tv and you can find those there.

Disunity is a church killer, and it starts out with people wanting things to go their way or get stuff for themselves. When this happens they are harming the church instead of helping it grow into what God has called it to be. We fix this by looking at our hearts and our motivations and make the change in ourselves first.
Thanks for joining us. We’d encourage you to connect with us on Facebook or check out website at hland.tv for past episodes and current sermon series. We’ll see you back here next week!

SFTH 798 “We Are Us” Part 2 from hlandtv on Vimeo